Ryde is Norway's largest micromobility company, with a mission to transform urban transportation. Ryde seeks to provide climate-neutral, sustainable services while also contributing to local communities.
We spoke with Marcus Olovsson, CIO at Ryde, to learn how their mobile app and Pushwoosh's push notifications have become part of the excellent services.

“We use Pushwoosh for sending out push notifications primarily.” Olovsson admits, “As we decided to invest in services, not marketing. We get a lot of marketing out of just having scooters on the streets.”
Ryde uses Pushwoosh to automate different scenarios of transactional push notifications. “We've always cared about the quality of the service. Timely push notifications are part of it.”
The team automates notifications such as:
- When a customer didn’t end an ongoing trip to save them money.
- When a scooter has a low battery, so that a customer can switch to another one for free.
- When a customer report was answered.
- When a customer is outside the parking area, and so on.

Ryde is now among the top five iOS travel apps in Scandinavian countries such as Finland, Norway, and Sweden, indicating that the strategy is working.

Since 2019, Pushwoosh has been a reliable technological partner of Ryde’s.