Opt-in rate Android 13 opt-in rates: Which apps took the hardest hit? [2024 Research] Discover the impact of the Android 13 release on push notification opt-in rates and user engagement over the past two years, based on insights from Pushwoosh Research.
Android Android 12: Alarming New Features for Push Notification Senders Android 12 is going to be no gentler to app marketers than iOS 15. In this ever-shrinking universe of push notifications, how can marketers achieve their goals? Pushwoosh Team has come up with a list of ideas.
Android Google Developer Policy Update: Keep Your App Published Google Privacy Policy update has put many apps at risk of being unpublished from Play Store. Pushwoosh explains the whole situation and provides an action plan for Android developers.
Android Meet The Newest Pushwoosh Demo App Pushwoosh Mission Statement It has always been a number one priority to be client oriented and put the needs of our users ahead of any other types of scenarios. Pushwoosh truly treasurers our
Android Lock Screen Push: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility First of all, I would like to clarify a couple of things. The title you can see above is a bit bold, but it hasn’t been chosen out of the blue. When
Android Pushwoosh Crashlytics Integration: Intelligible Crash Reports and Notifications Trust is something you can build over time and lose in a blink of an eye. Once you’ve brought people into your app, you want to have a long-term relationship with them,
Android Introducing Badges for Android In the competitive world of iOS vs Android there is one feature that is undoubtedly winning the hearts over for the iPhone ecosystem: notification badges. These small red circles definitely make our life
Android Chrome Web Pushes are supported on Android Last week we announced support for Chrome web push notifications, which allows you to establish the most convenient channel of communication with your website audience. With 49% desktop browsers market share of Chrome
Android Titanium module for Android is back! Good news! Even though two weeks ago we announced that we have to cease support of the Appcelerator Titanium module for Android, we didn’t give up to find a way to support